Pangaea Adventures operates two United States Coast Guard inspected motor vessels in Prince William Sound. We service to both private groups or offer ride sharing opportunities to various destinations throughout the sound. While we are primarily a sea kayak guiding outfit, we often run water taxis for all kinds of parties.
Departing from Valdez
…often to the following destinations and purposes:
- Shoup Bay Marine Sate Park (including the public use cabins)
- Heather Bay (Columbia Glacier Area)
- Sawmill Bay
- Jack Bay (including the public use cabin)
- Glacier Island
- Ellamar
- Meares Glacier
- Whittier – Valdez Charter Service
- Cordova – Valdez Charter Service
- Anywhere in Prince William Sound from Valdez
- Kayaker Drop-off and/or Pick-up
- Remote Camping
- Scientist Support
- Film Crew Support
- Custom Sightseeing
Professional Captains
Our licensed captains work 7 days a week from late May through early September for water taxi transportation of sea kayakers, hikers, bikers, camping groups, work crews, and individuals throughout Prince William Sound, Alaska.
Prices are based on mileage and number of passengers.
Example Prices: Based on meeting the minimum of 4 guests (ride sharing is common!):
Lower Shoup Bay (for McAllister Cabin or a nearby beach): $95 per person, per way (minimum of 4).
Upper Columbia Bay (closest to the glacier): $220 per person, per way.
Heather Bay (terminal moraine): $165 per person, per way.
Glacier Island North: $165 per person, per way.
Glacier Island South: $200 per person, per way.
Meares Glacier: $330 per person, per way.
For all other destinations, please contact us for a quote.
We try to keep competitive with similar services found elsewhere, so please do get in touch!
Email or Call us for a specific price quote:
Each cabin is accessible by water. You can either kayak to the cabins or hire a water taxi for a remote drop-off and pick up.
Alaska Marine State Park Cabins Located in Shoup Bay: 10 miles from Valdez : $70 peak per night per cabin.
Kittiwake and Moraine Cabins are situated in the upper bay (also accessible by a long hike), and McAllister Cabin is located in the lower bay (inaccessible by foot).
More Information at
You can make online reservations with Levitation 49 by clicking here.
National Forest Service Cabin in Jack Bay: About 20 Miles from Valdez
More information at
Occupancy of Forest Service cabins is by permit only ($50-$60 per night per party).
Reservations may be made up to 180 days in advanceby calling (877) 444-6777.
Pangaea Adventures offers Water Taxi Services to these cabins from late May through early September.
Ask us about our guided trips to these cabins!